4-day, invite only event, for top high school prospects from 2023 & 2024 classes from across the United States to showcase their talent, which includes a testing combine, two padded practices and a Bowl game. All led by former NFL and current College coaches!

Dec 15, 2022, 5:00 PM – Dec 18, 2022, 3:00 PM
Abel Holtz Stadium (Flamingo Park), 1200 Michigan Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139, USA
About the Event
The Podyum Preps team is bringing together top high school prospects from 2023 & 2024 classes from across the United States to showcase their talent in the Podyum Preps All-American Bowl, a 4-day, invite only event which includes a testing combine, two padded practices and a Bowl game. The Podyum Preps All-American Bowl is led by former NFL and current College coaches who are committed to improving players’ football IQs and skillsets, preparing them for a collegiate football career.
Late Full Registration
Registration for the 2022 All-American Bowl includes: Participation in all event activities (Combine, Practices, Seminars, Game), 3 Nights in a Double Room in Hotel (breakfast and lunch), Game Jersey and Podyum Preps Swag, Transportation from the Miami Airport to Hotel (both ways), Recruitment Profile on the Podyum Preps platform. Non-refundable. Late Registration (Dec 1 - Dec 15) = $950
$950.00Sale endedRegistration Without Hotel
Registration Without Hotel for the 2022 All-American Bowl includes: Participation in all event activities (Combine, Practices, Seminars, Game), Game Jersey and Podyum Preps Swag, Recruitment Profile on the Podyum Preps platform. No Hotel & Meals Included! Non-refundable. Super Early Bird (Before Nov 1) = $450 || Early Bird (Oct 16 - Dec 1) = $550 || Late Registration (Dec 1 - Dec 15) = $650 ||
$650.00Sale endedRegistration Deposit
Secure your spot by making a down payment of $400 before December 1. Rest of the Total Fee (Final Payment), pay before December 10. Paying a deposit locks in your roster spot but does NOT lock the fee! Total fee depends on the timing of paying the final payment.
$400.00Sale ended